The Art of Approaching

(Rick Simeone) #1

If you’re a people-pleaser, it’s time stop bending over backwards and be straightforward
and honest with others.

First off, do what’s right for you, not what you think others want.

Get rid of any notion you may have of what you THINK will please other people.
Instead, do what you think is right without worrying about who will be displeased with

Secondly, ask others what their preferences are and find common ground.

Don’t feel bad about wanting things the way you want them! You don’t have to try and
impress people by making things how they want it. By catering to the wishes of others,
you come off as weak and will receive nothing for your efforts other than disrespect.

Thirdly, learn how to disappoint people.

Realize that life is not fair, and disappointment is a natural part of it. People at large have
learned to handle it. Never make any excuses or offer explanations when you have to
disappoint someone.

You have your own life and your own needs, and you should not be afraid to pursue them.
This does not mean you need to be rude or purposefully go out of your way to disrespect
someone. But when someone tries to get you to do something you don’t want to do,
make it clear to them you will not do it, no matter how much they try to guilt or shame
you into going against your wishes.

Finally, stand your ground when disrespected, and do so without blame.

If you don’t stick up for yourself, no one will. Don’t allow other’s negativity to affect
you in any way, shape or form. Move through life without apology. People who stick to
their guns and follow what they believe in will always be tested to see if they will break

Sometimes the testing will be hard to endure, but if you stay true to yourself, others will
know what you’re about and will ultimately respect you for it. If you should crumble and
give in, people will walk all over you because you’ve shown them you don’t have strong
conviction in your beliefs and can be convinced to do something you don’t want to.

Whining is definitely one of the most annoying habits out there.

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