To assign or modify a command macro
1 Click Manage tab ➤ Customization panel ➤ User Interface.
2 In the Customize User Interface Editor, Customize tab, Command List
pane, locate the command you want to assign (or modify) a command
3 In the Properties pane, select the Macro field and click the [ ] button that
is displayed.
The Long String Editor dialog box is displayed.
4 In the Long String Editor, edit the macro as desired and click OK.
You are returned to the Customize User Interface Editor.
Quick Reference
Manages the customized user interface elements in the product.
Use Special Control Characters in Macros
You can use special characters, including control characters, in macros. In a
macro, the caret (^) is equivalent to pressing the Ctrl key on the keyboard.
You can combine the caret with another character to construct macros that
do such things as turn the grid on and off (^G) or cancel a command (^C).
The macro for the Address command below uses the backslash (\) to pause
for user input and the semicolon (;) for ENTER.
text\.4 0 DRAFTInc;;;MainSt.;;;City,State;
The macro starts the TEXT command, pauses for the user to specify a start
point, and then enters the address on three lines. In the triple semicolon (;;;),
the first semicolon ends the text string, the second repeats TEXT, and the
third accepts the default placement below the previous line.
104 | Chapter 4 User Interface Customization