NOTELAYER normally prompts for another operation and exits only if you press
SPACEBAR or ENTER. In the macro, the semicolon (;) is the equivalent of pressing
A macro typically resumes after one user input, such as a single point location.
Therefore, you cannot construct a macro that accepts a variable number of
inputs (as in object selection) and then continues. However, an exception is
made for SELECT: a backslash () suspends the SELECT command until object
selection has been completed. Consider the following example:
select\changeprevious;propertiescolorred ;
In this macro, SELECT creates a selection set of one or more objects (select ).
The macro then starts CHANGE (change), references the selection set using
the Previous option (previous;), and changes the color of all selected objects
to red (properties color red ;).
NOTEThe backslash character () causes a macro to pause for user input. You
cannot use a backslash for any other purpose in a macro. When you need to specify
a file directory path, use a forward slash (/) as the path delimiter: for example,
The following circumstances delay resumption of a macro after a pause:
■ If input of a point location is expected, object snap modes may be used
before the point is specified.
■ If X/Y/Z point filters are used, the command remains suspended until the
entire point has been accumulated.
■ For SELECT only, the macro does not resume until object selection has
been completed.
■ If the user responds with a transparent command, the suspended macro
remains suspended until the transparent command is completed and the
originally requested input is received.
■ If the user responds by choosing another command (to supply options or
to execute a transparent command), the original macro is suspended, and
the newly selected item is processed to completion. Then, the suspended
macro is resumed.
Create Macros | 107