
(Steven Felgate) #1
Ribbon tabs can be displayed on the ribbon with a workspace or based on a
contextual tab state when they are needed.

Ribbon Panels

By customizing ribbon panels, you can organize commands that you use
frequently similar to toolbars. With ribbon panels, you can quickly access
commands, and reduce the number of user interface elements that are

Overview of Ribbon Panels

Ribbon panels are organized by rows, sub-panels, and slideout elements. Rows
and sub-panels are used to organize how commands and controls are displayed
on the ribbon panel. A slideout is automatically added to each ribbon panel
and controls which rows are shown by default. Rows located below a slideout
are displayed only when a ribbon panel is expanded.

The following table describes the properties of the Home 2D - Draw ribbon
panel as they appear in the Properties pane.

Properties for the Home 2D - Draw Ribbon Panel

Properties Description Example
Pane Item

Name of the panel; does not appear in the user Home 2D - Draw


Title of the panel; displayed when the ribbon is Draw
set to display titles or when a panel is floating.


Text used to describe the element; does not
appear in the user interface and is optional.


Specifies the keytip characters that can be used
to access the ribbon panel from the keyboard.


Specifies the aliases for the panel. Click the [ ] ID_Draw
button to open the Aliases dialog box. Each


alias in the CUIx file should be unique and is
used to reference the panel programmatically.

Ribbon | 149

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