Properties for the Line Command on Row 1 of the Home 2D - Draw Ribbon
Properties Description Example
Pane Item
the program scales it to that size. The string
must include alphanumeric characters with no
punctuation other than a hyphen (-) or an un-
derscore (_). It can also be a user-defined bit-
map. Click the [ ] button to open the Select
Image File dialog box.
Organize Commands and Controls with Rows
A row, similar to a toolbar, determines the order and position that commands
and controls appear on a ribbon panel. Rows run horizontally on a ribbon
panel no matter if the ribbon is displayed horizontally or vertically. Not all
rows might be displayed by default on a ribbon panel, the <SLIDEOUT>
element controls which rows are displayed without expanding a ribbon panel.
A down arrow to the right of a ribbon panel’s title indicates that the ribbon
panel can be expanded.
Organize Rows with Sub-panels
Sub-panels do not directly contain commands. Instead, sub-panels are used
in combination with rows to organize commands and controls on a ribbon
Organize Rows with Fold Panels
Fold panels can have buttons, toggles button, split buttons, and drop-down
buttons. Button Style must be set to Large with Text. Fold panels can be
converted to sub-panels.
See also:
■ To add a row to a ribbon panel on page 159 (Procedure)
■ To add a sub-panel or fold panel to a row on a ribbon panel on page 159
■ To remove a row or sub-panel from a ribbon panel on page 160 (Procedure)
■ To reposition a row or sub-panel on a ribbon panel on page 161 (Procedure)
■ To add a command to a ribbon panel on page 161 (Procedure)
158 | Chapter 4 User Interface Customization