7 Click Apply.
Quick Reference
Manages the customized user interface elements in the product.
Opens the ribbon window.
Closes the ribbon window.
Add Drop-downs to a Ribbon Panel
Drop-downs can be used to group multiple related commands into a single
Ribbon panel drop-downs, like toolbar flyouts, that can hold a number of
commands in a single place on a ribbon panel. Drop-downs are used to help
reduce the amount of space that related commands can take up. Commands
on a drop-down can be started by clicking the main button or selecting a
command from the menu when the main or split button is clicked based on
how the properties of a drop-down are configured. When a drop-down is set
as a split button, the main button can reflect the most recently used command
or not, or display the image of the most recently used command with a static
Ribbon | 167