
(Steven Felgate) #1
The following table describes the properties for the Arc drop-down of Row 1
on under Sub-Panel 1 of the Home 2D - Draw ribbon panel as they appear in
the Properties pane.

Properties for the Arc Drop-down on Row 1 of the Home 2D - Draw Ribbon Panel

Properties Pane Item Description Example

Logical name for the drop-down; does not appear Arc
in the user interface.


NOTEThe “\n” character sequence represents a
line break in a command label, which is used to al-
low a command label to be displayed on more than
one line. Once focus from the Name field is lost,
the “\n” character sequence is displayed as a space
instead of the characters “\n”.

Text used to describe the element; does not appear
in the user interface.


Specifies if the button executes a command or dis- Split with Recent
plays a list of commands. The available options are


Drop Down Menu with Recent, Drop Down Menu,
Split with Recent, Split, Split with Recent (Static).

Specifies how the commands on the drop-down IconText
will be displayed. The available options are Icon,
IconText, or Descriptive.

Split Button List Style

Large with Text (Vertic-

Controls the size and the label display of the drop-
down. The available options are Large With Text

Button Style

(Vertical), Large With Text (Horizontal), SmallWith-
Text, or SmallWithoutText.

NOTEIt is recommended to not use the Large With
Text (Horizontal) option as it takes up extra space
on the ribbon.

Controls whether the commands assigned to a No
drop-down are grouped based on the values as-
signed to their Group Name properties.


Specifies the keytip characters that can be used to AR
access the command from the keyboard.


168 | Chapter 4 User Interface Customization

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