
(Steven Felgate) #1

From the Workspace Contents pane, you can control the default display of
ribbon tabs and panels; this allows you to keep the associations of ribbon tabs
and panels with a workspace, but turn it off. You can also control the tool
palette group associated with a ribbon tab, and the collapse behavior, resize
order, and orientation of a ribbon panel from the Workspace Contents pane.

The following table describes the properties for the Home - 2D ribbon tab as
they appear in the Properties pane.

Properties for the Home - 2D ribbon tab

Properties Description Example
pane item

Title of the tab; displayed when the ribbon tab Home
is assigned to a workspace and the Ribbon
palette is displayed.


Specifies whether the ribbon tab is displayed Full
on its own tab or is merged with the ribbon

Type tabs already displayed on the ribbon. The
available options are Full or Merged.

Specifies if the ribbon tab is displayed the first Add to workspaces
time the CUIx file is loaded as a partial custom-

ization file. The available options are Do Not
Add to Workspaces or Add to Workspaces.

Specifies how the ribbon tab is merged or ad- Merge or add tab
ded to the ribbon when this CUIx file is loaded

as a partial customization file. The available
options are Add Tab Only, Merge Tab Only, or
Merge or Add Tab.

Specifies the keytip character to access the rib- H
bon tab on the ribbon from the keyboard.


Specifies the aliases for the ribbon tab. Click the ID_TabHome
[ ] button to open the Aliases dialog box. Each


alias in the CUIx file should be unique; it is used
to reference the ribbon tab programmatically.

Element ID Tag that uniquely identifies a panel. ID_TabHome

Ribbon | 181

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