Properties of the Four: Equal tile slide on the Tiled Viewport Layout image
tile menu
Properties Description Example
pane item
A file that is made up of multiple slides and acadlt
created using the file slidelib.exe.
Slide lib-
Name of a slide contained in the slide library vport-4
file or a slide image that is stored separately.
Slide label
You can use any slide generated by AutoCAD LT as an image. Keep the
following suggestions in mind as you prepare slides for an image tile menu.
■ Keep the image simple. When an image tile menu is displayed, you must
wait for all images to be drawn before making a selection. If you show
numerous complex symbols, use simple, recognizable images rather than
full renditions.
■ Fill the box. When making a slide for an image, be sure to fill the screen
with the image before starting MSLIDE. If the image is very wide and short,
or long and thin, the image tile menu will look best if you use PAN to
center the image on the screen before making the slide.
Images are displayed with an aspect ratio of 3:2 (3 units wide by 2 units
high). If your drawing area has a different aspect ratio, it can be difficult
to produce image slides that are centered in the image tile menu. If you
work within a layout viewport that has an aspect ratio of 3:2, you can
position the image and be assured that it will look the same when it is
displayed in the image tile menu.
■ Remember the purpose of the images. Do not use images to encode abstract
concepts into symbols. Image tiles are useful primarily for selecting a
graphic symbol.
To create an image tile slide
1 In AutoCAD LT, draw the geometry that you want to appear in the slide.
2 Click View tab ➤ Navigate panel ➤ Zoom drop-down ➤ Center.
3 At the Command prompt, enter mslide.
4 In the Create Slide File dialog box, specify the file name.
5 Click Save, and add it to a slide library file if desired. You can associate
this image slide to a new image tile.
Legacy Interface Elements | 277