Catalog of DIESEL Functions
Status retrieval, computation, and display are performed by DIESEL functions.
All functions have a limit of 10 parameters, including the function name itself.
If this limit is exceeded, you get a DIESEL error message.
+ (addition)
Returns the sum of the numbers val1, val2, ..., val9.
$(+,val1[, val2, ..., val9])
If the current thickness is set to 5, the following DIESEL string returns 15.
Quick Reference
System Variables
Sets menu echo and prompt control bits.
- (subtraction)
Returns the result of subtracting the numbers val2 through val9 from val1.
$(-,val1[, val2, ..., val9])
Quick Reference
System Variables
Sets menu echo and prompt control bits.
* (multiplication)
Returns the result of multiplying the numbers val1, val2, ..., val9.
$(*,val1[, val2, ..., val9])
Catalog of DIESEL Functions | 331