
(Steven Felgate) #1
As an example: CD “c:\slides”

5 At the prompt, enter the following syntax to create the slide library:
slideliblibraryname <list.txt
For example, if you named your text file areas.txt, you could create a
library called house.slb by entering slidelib house < areas.txt. The SLIDELIB
utility appends the file extension .slb to the slide library file.

To view a slide in a slide library

1 At the command prompt, enter filedia.

2 Enter 0 and press ENTER.

3 At the command prompt, enter vslide.

4 Enter library(slidename) to specify the slide.
For example, enter house (balcony) to open the balcony slide, which is
stored in the house slide library file.

5 To remove the slide from the display, click View menu ➤ Redraw.

Quick Reference



Creates a slide file of the current model viewport or the current layout.


Refreshes the display in the current viewport.


Displays an image slide file in the current viewport.



Compiles slide files listed in an ASCII file into a slide library file.

Create and View Slide Libraries | 349

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