
(Steven Felgate) #1
3 Click OK.
AutoCAD LT opens the drawing and executes the commands in the script
file. When the script has been completed, the command prompt is

Run Slide Shows from Scripts

Scripts are useful for creating slide shows.

Scripts are useful for creating slide shows. Ordinarily, the speed with which
you can display slides is limited by the number of times AutoCAD LT must
access the disk to read the slide file. You can, however, preload the next slide
from disk into memory while your audience is viewing the current slide and
then quickly display the new slide from memory.

To preload a slide, place an asterisk before the file name in VSLIDE. The next
VSLIDE command detects that a slide has been preloaded and displays it
without asking for a file name.

The disk-access time to load the next slide overlaps with the viewing time for
the current slide. You can specify additional delays with the DELAY command.
Each delay unit is equal to one millisecond.

To stop a repeating script press ESC. You can resume the script with RESUME.

If the script will run for a long time, it is recommended that you use UNDO
Control None to turn off the Undo log file.

To run slide shows from scripts
1 Create the slide library file as described in To create a slide library on page

2 Create a script file using an ASCII text editor, as shown in To create a
script that preloads slides on page 355.

3 At the command prompt, enter script.

4 In the Select Script File dialog box, select a script file and click Open.

354 | Chapter 6 Slides and Command Scripts

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