of hatch lines is generated parallel to an initial line with an absolute origin
to guarantee proper alignment.
If you create a very dense hatch, AutoCAD LT may reject the hatch and display
a message indicating that the hatch scale is too small or its dash length too
short. You can change the maximum number of hatch lines by setting the
MaxHatch system registry variable using SETENV and entering a number
between 100 and 10000000 (ten million).
NOTEWhen changing the value of MaxHatch, you must enter MaxHatch with
the capitalization as shown.
To create a simple hatch pattern
1 Open the acadlt.pat or acadltiso.pat file in a text editor that saves in ASCII
format (for example, Microsoft® Windows® Notepad).
2 Create a header line that includes an asterisk and a pattern name. The
name of the hatch pattern is limited to 31 characters.
3 (Optional) To include a description in the header line, follow the pattern
name with a comma and description text.
4 Create a descriptor line that includes
■ An angle at which the line is drawn
■ An X,Y origin point
■ A delta-x of 0
■ A delta-y of any value
Quick Reference
Manages and inserts content such as blocks, xrefs, and hatch patterns.
Controls the filling of objects such as hatches, 2D solids, and wide polylines.
Overview of Hatch Pattern Definitions | 29