
(Steven Felgate) #1

Dynamic Help

Dynamic Help is a feature that is in the online Help system and references
some of the customization elements that are found in the CUIx file when it
is loaded into AutoCAD LT. What Dynamic Help does, is it looks up the
Element ID of a command that has been identified in the online Help system,
and where that command is currently being referenced on a ribbon panel or
menu when the CUIx file is loaded.

If the command is on a ribbon panel or menu, access to the command is
updated in the online Help system to reflect the new location of the command.
If one of the standard commands that ships with AutoCAD LT is moved from
one ribbon panel or menu to another, the online Help system will
automatically reflect this change the next time it is displayed. Currently, only
commands on ribbon panels and menus work with Dynamic Help.

Dynamic Help may not display properly if a command is not available:

■ In one of the loaded CUIx files

■ On an accessible menu, ribbon panel, or ribbon tab in the current

NOTEDynamic Help only works with the online Help documents that come with
AutoCAD LT, and has no affect on third-party documentation.

See also:

■ Transfer and Migrate Customization on page 316

■ Create and Load a Partial CUIx File on page 78

How Customization Has Changed | 53

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