Work with the Customize User Interface (CUI) Editor
With the Customize User Interface (CUI) Editor, you can create and manage
standard and custom commands and user interface elements.
By customizing the user interface, you can arrange and access the commands
that you frequently use. You can also extend AutoCAD LT by creating your
own custom commands. Use the diagrams under this topic to understand the
steps required to successfully create a custom command or to customize the
various user interface elements that are available for customization.
Create a Command
Custom commands to define a series of actions that should be taken when
the custom command is used. You can also determine how the command
should appear when added to a user interface.
When creating a custom command, you need to give the command a unique
name, element ID, and macro. Once the basic properties of a command have
been defined, you can assign values to additional properties that determine
the content for the command’s tooltip, an image, and search tags. For more
information about creating custom commands, see Customize Commands
on page 92.
Determine which CUIx file to add to the custom
Set the working CUIx file on page-----
-----Create a new command in a CUIx file.
Add the new command on page
Define the series of actions that should be
executed when the command is used from the
user interface.
Define the macro on page 104 -----
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