Forensic Dentistry, Second Edition

(Barré) #1
88 Forensic dentistry

Individuality refers to the fact that fingerprints are unique; no two areas of
friction ridge skin are the same, not even on identical twins. The basis for this
statement rests in human embryology and genetics, beginning during fetal
development. The physiology of friction ridge skin begins with the develop-
ment of the volar pads, which are protuberances of tissue that begin to form
on the tips of the fingers at about the eighth week of gestation. The degree of
complexity of the volar pads (their size, shape, and location on the finger)
greatly influences ridge flow or level 1 detail.^12 These volar pads regress or are

C o m p a r i s o n

Po stmortem Antemortem


Level 1 Detail Level 1 Detail

Level 2 Detail Level 3 Detail Level 3 Detail
Level 2 Detail

Figure 6.4 the comparison phase of the aCe-v methodology involves the
examination of information or detail present in two prints. this information
consists of ridge flow (level 1 detail), ridge path (level 2 detail), and if visible, indi-
vidual ridge attributes (level 3 detail), such as ridge widths. if the information
present in the two prints is in agreement with no unexplainable dissimilarities,
an identification can be effected.

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