Forensic Dentistry, Second Edition

(Barré) #1
96 Forensic dentistry

Inc., Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio). Mikrosil is a casting putty that was originally
developed for toolmark examinations before being used in the fingerprint
discipline to recover latent impressions from irregular surfaces. AccuTrans
is a relatively new polyvinylsiloxaine casting agent specifically designed for
t he re c ove r y of l at e nt fi n ge r pr i nt s a nd ot he r fore n sic e v id e nc e. B ot h pro du c t s
have also been used as a way of recording friction ridge impressions from
the living and the dead. The casting technique works exceptionally well on
desiccated remains containing wrinkles in the friction skin. This technique
can be used after the fingers have been rehydrated or at a disaster scene
when rehydration is not an option and fingerprints need to be recovered
from remains without delay. The first step is to lightly coat the fingers with
black powder, followed by the application of Mikrosil or AccuTrans, which is
white in color, to the fingers. Mikrosil must first be mixed and then applied
to the fingers with a spatula, whereas AccuTrans comes with an automix
gun option that allows direct application to the fingers. The casting material
must be allowed to dry on the fingers before being peeled off to capture the
print (Figure 6.9). Recovered prints will be in correct position and color
when compared to an antemortem standard.
When all described recording techniques have failed to produce quality
postmortem impressions, images of the friction ridge detail present on the
fingers can be captured with digital photography. The proper selection of
direct, oblique, reflected, or transmitted lighting schemes will enhance the
appearance of ridge detail, often resulting in quality images that can be used
for identification purposes. It is also important to capture 1:1 images of the
friction skin because the photographs will be compared with antemortem
impressions of natural size. If this cannot be accomplished, a scale or object of
a known size should be included in the photograph so that image dimensions
can be corrected through the use of digital imaging software.


Figure 6.8 the recording of a powder impression using an adhesive lifter (a)
and its placement onto a transparent fingerprint card (B).

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