Forensic Dentistry, Second Edition

(Barré) #1

dna and dna evidence 135

Suggested Reading

Gaytmenn R, Sweet D. 2003. Quantification of forensic DNA from various regions of
human teeth. J Forensic Sci 48:622–25.
Loreille OM et al. 2007. High efficiency DNA extraction from bone by total demineral-
ization. Forensic Sci Int Gen 1:191–95.
Remualdo VR, Oliveira RN. 2007. Analysis of mitochondrial DNA from the teeth of a
cadaver maintained in formaldehyde. Am J Forensic Med Pathol 28:145–46.
Tran-Hung L et al. 2007. A new method to extract dental pulp DNA: Application to
universal detection of bacteria. PLoS ONE 2:e1062.
Woodward ST et al. 1994. Amplification of ancient nuclear DNA from teeth and soft
tissues. PCR Methods Appl 3:244–47.

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