Forensic Dentistry, Second Edition

(Barré) #1

Forensic dental photography 229

11.12 Reflective Long-Wave Ultraviolet Photography

Ultraviolet photography is used by forensic odontologists for two reasons:
The first is to visualize surface detail of the injury. Reflective ultraviolet pho-
tography helps to enhance surface detail (Figures 11.32 to 11.34).
The second reason is to attempt to record an injury after a period of time
of healing when it is no longer visible to the unaided human eye. This second

Figure 11.30 nikon nikkor uv 105 fused silicon (quartz) lens.

Figure 11.31 the infrared focus point on the focus ring of a nikon nikkor lens,
as marked by the small dot adjacent to the visible focus.

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