Forensic Dentistry, Second Edition

(Barré) #1
Bitemarks 329

seen in human biting activity. An incision through a mark will reveal if there
is the subepidermal hemorrhage often associated with human bitemarks
(Figures 14.23 and 14.24). Alternatively, either could have harvested tissue
from one or more of the patterned injuries. Dr. West had a history of simi-
larly outrageous findings in other cases (Keko, Harrison, Maxwell). He had
identified shoe marks on human skin and knife handle rivets on the hand of
a murder suspect. He had made dramatic, overreaching statements in court,
including conclusions to absolute certainty, “indeed and without doubt,” and
incredible estimates of his own error rates, “something less than my savior,
Jesus Christ.”^33 He had been suspended from the American Board of Forensic

Figure 14.20 mhw report regarding nineteen “bitemarks” found on Christine
Jackson. the report speaks for itself.

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