abuse 373
The report indicates that:
• Approximately one-third of female murder victims were killed by
an intimate.
• Approximately 3% of male murder victims were killed by an intimate.
• Of all female murder victims, the proportion killed by an intimate
declined slightly until 1995, when the proportion began increasing (most
reports indicate that the rate has been stabilizing in recent years).
• Of male murder victims, the proportion killed by an intimate has
dropped during the reporting period.
• Annually, at least fifteen hundred women were murder victims from
domestic violence.
• Approximately one-third of injuries presenting to the emergency
department were nonaccidental—the result of deliberate, intentional
acts of violence.
• Approximately one-third of women over the age of fifteen who are homi-
cide victims were killed by their husbands, ex-husbands, or boyfriends.
Homicides may also result in the murderer taking his or her own life
following the violent act that resulted in the death of the intimate partner.
It has been reported that 74% of all murder-suicides involved an intimate
partner. Of these reported cases, 96% were females killed by their intimate
partner, with 75% of these cases occurring within the home.^10
Figure 15.2 physical injuries associated with a sexual assault on a fifteen-year-
old g i rl. note f ac i a l i nj u r ie s i nc lud i n g a p at te r ne d i nj u r y on r i g ht c he ek ( b y h i st or y ,
a bitemark inflicted during the assault).