Interior Design Faculty

(singke) #1

school of liberal arts and sciences 207

Christian Hawkey

AssociAte Professor

Professor Hawkey is the author of three award-winning

books of poetry, including The Book of Funnels (Wave

Books, 2004), which won the 2006 Kate Tufts Discovery

Award, HourHour (Delirium Press, 2005), and Citizen

Of (Wave Books, 2007). His poems have appeared in

Conjunctions, Volt, Denver Quarterly, Tin House, Crowd,

BOMB, Chicago Review, and Best American Poetry. He

has received awards from the Academy of American

Poets and the Poetry Fund, and in 2006 he received a

Creative Capital Innovative Literature Award. In 2008, he

was a DAAD Artist-in-Berlin Fellow.

Jason Helm

Visiting AssistAnt Professor

M.F.A., Creative Writing, Sarah Lawrence College;

Jason’s first book, Exposure, a YA sci-fi fantasy novel, is

currently on the market. He is at work on a collection

of short stories about mid-nineties gutterpunk culture

in Minneapolis.

Samantha Hunt

AssociAte Professor

M.F.A., Warren Wilson College; Samantha Hunt’s second

novel The Invention of Everything Else (Houghton Mifflin

Harcourt, 2008) was a finalist for the Orange Prize and

winner of the Bard Fiction Prize. Her first novel, The

Seas (Picador, 2005) won a National Book Foundation

award for writers under 35. Hunt’s work has appeared in

The New Yorker, McSweeney’s, A Public Space, Cabinet,

Esquire, jubilat, The Believer, Blind Spot, Tin House, New

York Magazine, on the radio program This American Life

and in a number of other fine publications.

Mary-Beth Hughes

Visiting AssistAnt Professor

B.A., Marymount Manhattan College. Professor Hughes’

stories have appeared in A Public Space, Ploughshares,

The Paris Review, and are collected in the book Double

Happiness. Her novel is Wavemaker II (Atlantic Monthly

Press, 2002).

Sean C. Kelly

Visiting instructor

B.A., University of Montreal; Sean was editor of National

Lampoon and a founding editor of Heavy Metal. He

has been a staff writer for Saturday Night Live, and as a

free-lance writer he has written for numerous television
productions and for periodicals, including Bazaar,
Colors, Interview, Playboy, Spy, The Village Voice and
The New York Times. He is the author and editor of
numerous books and anthologies.

Rachel Levitsky
Adjunct AssistAnt Professor
Professor Levitsky’s first full-length volume, Under the
Sun, was published by Futurepoem books in 2003. She
is the founder and co-director of Belladonna*, an event
and publication series of feminist avant-garde poetics.
She is also the author of five chapbooks of poetry,
Dearly (a+bend, 1999), Dearly 356, Cartographies of
Error (Leroy, 1999), The Adventures of Yaya and Grace
(PotesPoets, 1999), 2(1×1) Portraits (Baksun, 1998), and
a series of poetry plays.

Robert Lopez
Visiting Professor
M.F.A., The New School for Social Research; Robert
Lopez is the author of two novels, Part of the World
(Calamari Press, 2007) and Kamby Bolongo Mean
River (Dzanc Books, 2009), and a collection of stories,
Asunder (Dzanc Books, 2010). He has taught at The New
School and Columbia University and is a 2010 New York
Foundation for the Arts fellow in fiction.

Laura Minor
Visiting instructor
M.A., University of Florida; M.F.A., Sarah Lawrence
College; Laura Minor is a Brooklyn-based poet,
professor, and singer/songwriter. Her work has most
recently appeared in Sixers Review, Lungfull, JMWW:
A Journal of Quarterly Writing, and Mantis/Stanford
University. She has released two international and
critically acclaimed records, “Salesman’s Girl” for
Hightone Records (2002) and “Let Evening Come,”
(Ocean of Sound Recordings, 2009). Her prize-winning
chapbook is forthcoming on Pudding House Press and
her second solo record is forthcoming on Ocean Sound
Recordings in spring 2011. She is currently publishing
towards her first collection of poems, “The Ossicles,”
and plans to pursue a Ph.D. in women’s studies and fine
arts at Rutgers University in fall 2011.

Tracie Morris
AssociAte Professor
B.A., M.F.A., Hunter College; M.A., Ph.D., New York
University; Tracie Morris is a multidisciplinary poet,
performer, and scholar who works extensively as
a sound artist, writer, bandleader, and actor. Her
installations have been presented at the Whitney
Biennial, Ronald Feldman Gallery, the Jamaica Center
for Arts and Learning, and the New Museum. She
recently completed her latest poetry manuscript,
“Rhyme Scheme” and is working on an academic work,
“Who Do with Words” on the significance of philosopher
J.L. Austin. She is also developing two audio projects: an
untitled CD with music with her band and another CD in
collaboration with composer Elliott Sharp.

Anna Moschovakis
Visiting AssistAnt Professor
B.A., University of California, Berkeley; M.F.A., Bard
College; She is the author a book of poems, I Have Not
Been Able to Get Through to Everyone, and a translator
of poetry, fiction, and theory from the French. She is also
an editor, designer, and printer at Ugly Duckling Presse,
a nonprofit publishing collective based in Brooklyn. She
is pursuing graduate studies in Comparative Literature
at the CUNY Graduate Center.

Cecilia Muhlstein
Visiting instructor, tutor
California State University, Los Angeles; Cecilia was
born in Texas, but grew up in Los Angeles. Her work and
interests reside in fiction, critical theory, art, and eco-
poetics. Her current work can be found in the pages of
NYArts magazine and in the archives of Safe-T-Gallery.

John O’Connor
Visiting instructor
B.A., University of Michigan; M.F.A., Columbia University.
Professor O’Connor’s food and travel writing has
appeared in The New York Times, Men’s Journal,
The Financial Times, and Gastronomica, and he has
contributed essays to the literary journals Open
City, The Believer, and Quarterly West, and to the
anthologies The Best Creative Nonfiction Vol. 1, The
Gastronomica Reader and They’re At It Again: An Open
City Reader.
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