Interior Design Faculty

(singke) #1


Shelly Oria

Visiting instructor

B.A., Tel Aviv University; M.F.A., Sarah Lawrence College.

Professor Oria’s fiction has appeared in McSweeney’s,

Quarterly West, cream city review, and fivechapters.

She is a recipient of the 2008 Indiana Review Fiction

Prize among other awards and curates the monthly

series “Sweet! Actors Reading Writers.”

Nelly Reifler

Visiting AssistAnt Professor

B.A., Hampshire College; M.F.A. Sarah Lawrence College;

She authored See Through (Simon & Schuster, 2006).

Her work has appeared in many publications including

McSweeney’s, Bomb, Post Road, Jubilat, Taxi, Black

Book and  Her plays have been performed

in the U.S. and Australia, and she is the recipient of

honors including a Henfield Prize and a Rotunda Gallery

Emerging Curator grant.

Eric Rosenblum

Visiting instructor; lecturer, intensiVe english

B.A., English, Ohio University; M.F.A., Creative Writing-

Fiction, Syracuse University; Eric’s fiction and non-fiction

have appeared in Guernica Magazine, the Chicago

Tribune and the Chicago Reader.

Jonathan Santlofer

Visiting instructor

B.F.A., Boston University School of the Arts; M.F.A., Pratt

Institute; Santlofer is the author of five bestselling

crime novels, short stories in many anthologies and

collections, winner of the Nero Wolfe Award for Best

Crime Novel, co-author/contributor to The Dark End of

the Street anthology (Bloomsbury USA, 2010); recipient

of two National Endowment for the Arts grants, Rome

Prize; and on the board of directors of Yaddo, the oldest

arts community in the United States.

Todd Shalom

Visiting instructor

B.S., Boston University; M.F.A., California College

of the Arts. Founder of Elastic City walking tours,

Professor Shalom works with text, sound, and image.

He collaborates with performance artist/director

Niegel Smith; together, as Permiso, they conceive

and stage interactive rituals in public and private

environments. His solo work includes improvisational

music performances, soundwalks, poetry readings,
installations, photography, and sleepovers. He
is an active member of the New York Society for
Acoustic Ecology.

Justin Taylor
Visiting AssistAnt Professor
B.A., University of Florida; M.F.A., The New School.
Professor Taylor is the author of the story collection
Everything Here Is the Best Thing Ever (Harper’s
Perennial, 2010) and the novel The Gospel of Anarchy
(Harper’s Perennial, 2011). He is the editor of The
Apocalypse Reader, Come Back Donald Barthelme,
and co-editor (with Eva Talmadge) of The Word Made
Flesh: Literary Tattoos from Bookworms Worldwide
(Harper’s Perennial, 2010). With Jeremy Schmall,
he publishes The Agriculture Reader, a limited-edition
arts annual.

Holly Tavel
Visiting instructor
B.A., The New School; M.F.A., Brown University; recipient
of a 2009 Fulbright Scholarship in Creative Writing to
the Czech Republic.

Ellery Washington
Visiting AssistAnt Professor
D.E.U.G., Sorbonne University, Paris, France. Ellery
Washington’s writing has appeared in the French
publication Nouvelles Frontières, Out Magazine,
The Berkeley Fiction Review and various literary
anthologies, including Griots Beneath the Baobab
(IBWA Press), Geography of Rage (RGB Publisher),
and State by State (Harper Collins). He is a recipient
of the PEN Center West–Rosenthal Emerging Voices
Fellowship and the IBWA Best Short Fiction Award.

Gina Zucker
Visiting AssistAnt Professor
B.A., Washington University; M.F.A., New School;
Gina Zucker has published fiction and nonfiction in
magazines and journals such as Tin House, Salt Hill, The
Chicago Sun-Times, The New York Post, Elle, Glamour,
GQ, Rolling Stone, Redbook, and Cosmopolitan, as well
as on various online journals. Her writing has been
anthologized in two collections: ALTARED (Vintage,
2007) and BEFORE (Overlook Press, 2006). She is a
recipient of a Vermont Studio Center Fellowship and a
New School Merit Scholarship.

Writing and Tutorial Center

Randy Donowitz
director of the writing And tutoriAl center

Terri Bennett

Priya Chandrasekoran
tutor, writing, thesis

Diane Cohen
AssistAnt to the director

Maura Conley
tutor, writing, thesis

Marissa Forbes
tutor, writing, conVersAtion

Elizabeth (Lol) Fow
Adjunct instructor,tutor, thesis,
grAduAte writing

Dominica Giglio
tutor, writing, Art history

Heather Green
tutor, writing, thesis, conVersAtion

Joseph Herzfeld
lecturer intensiVe english,tutor, writing

Kwame Heshimu
Visiting instructor,tutor, writing

Matt Kubacki
Visiting instructor, tutor, writing

Cecilia Muhlstein
Visiting instructor, tutor, writing, thesis

Evan Rehill
Visiting instructor, tutor, writing, thesis
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