Interior Design Faculty

(singke) #1

246 courses

Survey of Design Education Literature

ED-603 | 3 CR After examining the intentions and
effects of past and current design movements and
values, students will develop and critique their own
philosophy of design and its educational applications.
We will also draw upon available texts, media presenta-
tions, guest lectures, and studio projects to explore how
design has shaped societal development in diverse
cultures, past and present.

The Teacher in Film/Fiction

ED-605 | 3 CR While educational texts and ethno-
graphic studies provide information about teachers,
classrooms, and schools, they rarely capture the unique
quality of the teacher’s voice or performance style,
nor do they conjure up the particular ambiance of a
classroom. Fictional narratives in film and literature
will serve as a springboard for discussion of the role of
the teacher in society. What is the reality behind these
fictions? How do they support or refute our own ideas
about teaching?

American Urban Education

ED-606 | 3 CR This course provides an analysis of
contemporary urban schooling in the United States
with particular attention to the New York City system
of public education. A variety of texts and the diverse
experiences of the students in the class will guide our
evaluation of assumptions about teaching, learning,
the assessment of learning, and the role of education
in a democracy. Discussion about diversity in the urban
classroom will prepare students for working with a
variety of populations and learners including those with
special needs and English language learners.

The Roots of Urban Education

ED-608 | 3 CR This course focuses on the history
and philosophy of education with an emphasis on
issues that are specifically American. The central ques-
tions that will be addressed are what enlightenment is
and what its relevance is to teaching. Beginning with
philosophy and proceeding to history, texts from both
disciplines will be included. A culminating research
paper is required.

Child & Adolescent Development

ED-610 | 3 CR This course introduces education
students to the various cognitive, developmental,
social, cultural, and environmental factors that influ-
ence a student’s growth. Developmental theory and its
implications for instruction are examined through texts
and fieldwork placements in local intermediate schools.
Various strategies and issues are discussed in relation
to developmental theory. Individualized instructional
strategies and classroom management techniques that
take into account differing learning styles and special
needs and disabilities are considered.

Thesis I
ED-660A | 3 CR The thesis project is developed
from questions raised by one or more of the follow-
ing: observations, fieldwork, reading, studio practice,
personal interest, and related art education course-
work. The research is grounded in practice and allows
students a critical examination of their pedagogy and
teaching practice through an investigation guided by
information retrieval strategies and the APA Publication
Manual. While the project may include substantial
amounts of visual or nonverbal materials, if appropriate,
a paper with documentation is required. The first course
will include school observations, group work, and
individual conferences.

Thesis II
ED-660B | 3 CR The second course is devoted
to the development of a written analysis of the data
obtained in Thesis I.

Thesis in Progress
ED-700 | 0 CR If the thesis is not completed in two
semesters, students can continue working in ED-700 for
no more than five semesters (not including summers).

ADT/Creative Arts Therapy

Creative Art Therapy Special Education I
ADT-621 | 3 CR This course provides an overview
of the history, theory, and practice of creative arts
therapy. Psycho-aesthetic diagnosis and treatment
planning, creativity development, and the interface of
artistic and interpersonal communication are explored.
Students are encouraged to integrate their practicum
experiences with the assigned readings and classroom

Creative Arts Therapy Special Education II
ADT-622 | 3 CR This course provides an overview
of the history, theory, and practice of creative arts
therapy. Psycho-aesthetic diagnosis and treatment
planning, creativity development, and the interface of
artistic and interpersonal communication are explored.
Students are encouraged to integrate their practicum
experiences with the assigned readings and classroom

Group Creative Art Therapy Special Ed I
ADT-625 | 3 CR Students explore small-group
dynamics in the treatment setting. The course has
experiential, didactic, and supervisory components that
combine practical experience with didactic orientation.

Group Creative Art Therapy Special Ed II
ADT-626 | 3 CR Students explore small-group
dynamics in the treatment setting. The course has
experiential, didactic, and supervisory components that
combine practical experience with didactic orientation.

Research and Thesis
ADT-632 | 3 CR This course is designed to give
students an introduction to the philosophical, concep-
tual, and practical basis of qualitative and quantitative
research methodologies. Students will be exposed to
research techniques, data collection and analysis, and
ethics. Students will also be provided with advisement
to plan and complete a thesis.

Research and Thesis
ADT-633 | 3 CR This course is designed to give
students an introduction to the philosophical, concep-
tual, and practical basis of qualitative and quantitative
research methodologies. Students will be exposed to
research techniques, data collection and analysis, and
ethics. Students will also be provided with advisement
to plan and complete a thesis.

Creative Arts Therapy I
ADT-641 | 3 CR This course provides an overview
of the history, theory, and practice of creative arts
therapy. Psycho-aesthetic diagnosis and treatment
planning, creativity development, and the interface of
artistic and interpersonal communication are explored.
Students are encouraged to integrate their practicum
experiences with the assigned readings and classroom

Creative Arts Therapy II
ADT-642 | 3 CR This course provides an overview
of the history, theory, and practice of creative arts
therapy. Psycho-aesthetic diagnosis and treatment
planning, creativity development, and the interface of
artistic and interpersonal communication are explored.
Students are encouraged to integrate their practicum
experiences with the assigned readings and classroom

Expressive Modalities I
ADT-643 | 3 CR This course introduces the student
to a wide range of expressive modes of communication
that will include visual, tactical, verbal, and auditory
experiences. The student is exposed to other creative
art therapies such as drama, music, video, dance, poetry,
Gestalt, and body therapies. The integration of these
modalities with art therapy is explored.

Group Creative Arts Therapy I
ADT-645 | 3 CR Students explore small-group
dynamics in the treatment setting. The course has
experiential, didactic, and supervisory components that
combine practical experience with didactic orientation.
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