Interior Design Faculty

(singke) #1

courses 247

Group Creative Arts Therapy II

ADT-646 | 3 CR Students explore small-group
dynamics in the treatment setting. The course has
experiential, didactic, and supervisory components that
combine practical experience with didactic orientation.

Art Diagnosis

ADT-647 | 3 CR A grounding in fundamentals of art
diagnosis is provided by illustrating how an individual’s
view of himself/herself and his/her world is manifested
through artistic expression. Art work from patients is
presented and discussed in-depth, as are a variety of art
therapy assessments.

Adv. Seminar Creative Art Therapy I:


ADT-649 | 3 CR Students choose one of the
above three areas to specialize in and complete their
practicum/internship with that population. The course
emphasizes advanced case presentation and explores
in-depth training in the theory and practice of creative
arts therapy. Specific reading lists are given to students,
depending on specialization.

Adv. Seminar Creative Art Therapy II:


ADT-650 | 3 CR Students choose one of the
above three areas to specialize in and complete their
practicum/internship with that population. The course
emphasizes advanced case presentation and explores
in-depth training in the theory and practice of creative
arts therapy. Specific reading lists are given to students,
depending on specialization.

Adv. Seminar Creative Art Therapy I: Dev.


ADT-651 | 3 CR Students choose one of the
above three areas to specialize in and complete their
practicum/internship with that population. The course
emphasizes advanced case presentation and explores
in-depth training in the theory and practice of creative
arts therapy. Specific reading lists are given to students,
depending on specialization.

Adv. Seminar Creative Art Therapy II: Dev.


ADT-652 | 3 CR Students choose one of the
above three areas to specialize in and complete their
practicum/internship with that population. The course
emphasizes advanced case presentation and explores
in-depth training in the theory and practice of creative
arts therapy. Specific reading lists are given to students,
depending on specialization.

Adv. Seminar Creative Art Therapy I:
Children & Adolescents
ADT-653 | 3 CR Students choose one of the
above three areas to specialize in and complete their
practicum/internship with that population. The course
emphasizes advanced case presentation and explores
in-depth training in the theory and practice of creative
arts therapy. Specific reading lists are given to students,
depending on specialization.

Adv. Seminar Creative Art Therapy II:
Children & Adolescents
ADT-654 | 3 CR Students choose one of the
above three areas to specialize in and complete their
practicum/internship with that population. The course
emphasizes advanced case presentation and explores
in-depth training in the theory and practice of creative
arts therapy. Specific reading lists are given to students,
depending on specialization.

Fieldwork Exp/Supervision I
ADT-661 | 2 CR The students meet in small groups
and receive intensive supervision both in a group and
individual format. Integration of practical and theoreti-
cal work is an intrinsic part of this course, through case
presentations and experiential exercises.

Fieldwork Exp/Supervision II
ADT-662 | 2 CR The students meet in small groups
and receive intensive supervision both in a group and
individual format. Integration of practical and theoreti-
cal work is an intrinsic part of this course, through case
presentations and experiential exercises.

Fieldwork Exp/Supervision III
ADT-663 | 2 CR The students meet in small groups
and receive intensive supervision both in a group and
individual format. Integration of practical and theoreti-
cal work is an intrinsic part of this course, through case
presentations and experiential exercises.

Fieldwork Exp/Supervision IV
ADT-664 | 2 CR The students meet in small groups
and receive intensive supervision both in a group and
individual format. Integration of practical and theoreti-
cal work is an intrinsic part of this course, through case
presentations and experiential exercises.

Fieldwork Exp/Supervision Special
Education I
ADT-671 | 2 CR The students meet in small groups
and receive intensive supervision both in a group and
individual format. Integration of practical and theoreti-
cal work is an intrinsic part of this course, through case
presentations and experiential exercises.

Fieldwork Exp/Supervision Special
Education II
ADT-672 | 2 CR The students meet in small groups
and receive intensive supervision both in a group and
individual format. Integration of practical and theoreti-
cal work is an intrinsic part of this course, through case
presentations and experiential exercises.

Fieldwork Exp/Supervision Special
Education III
ADT-673 | 2 CR The students meet in small groups
and receive intensive supervision both in a group and
individual format. Integration of practical and theoreti-
cal work is an intrinsic part of this course, through case
presentations and experiential exercises.

Fieldwork Exp/Supervision Special
Education IV
ADT-674 | 2 CR The students meet in small groups
and receive intensive supervision both in a group and
individual format. Integration of practical and theoreti-
cal work is an intrinsic part of this course, through case
presentations and experiential exercises.

Family Art Therapy
ADT-688 | 3 CR Issues of the family as a system are
the subject of focus for the course. Students study art
therapy as a unit. The student will then learn how to
utilize art materials in this interaction to enhance insight
among the members of the family.

Thesis in Progress
ADT-700 If the thesis is not completed in the initial
semesters, students can continue working in ADT-700
for no more than five semesters (only required semes-
ters are considered).

DT/Dance Therapy

Theory/Practice of Dance Therapy I
DT-671 | 3 CR This course involves the study of
dance therapy literature, history, and basic psycho-
dynamics issues, and their relation to dance therapy
practice. Body/mind relationships will be examined in
relationship to clinical practice and other applications.

Theory/Practice of Dance Therapy II
DT-672 | 3 CR This course involves the study of
dance therapy literature, history, and basic psycho-
dynamics issues, and their relation to dance therapy
practice. Body/mind relationships will be examined in
relationship to clinical practice and other applications.
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