Interior Design Faculty

(singke) #1

courses 275

Conversational Spanish II

SPAN-502 | 3 CR This is a conversational Spanish
course designed to prepare Art and Design Education
majors (undergraduate and graduate) for the practicum
in New York City schools. Conversational exercises
will be oriented to classroom interactions. This is a
two-semester course for which credit is achieved only
on the successful completion of both semesters. (Open
only to students in Art and Design Education.) Prerequi-
sites: take SPAN-501.

SS/Social Science

Capitalism and Socialism

SS-508 | 3 CR Various types of modern socioeco-
nomic systems are reviewed, including an examination
of general questions such as goals and values of
different systems, degree of popular control over
socioeconomic decisions and extent of economic
inequality. U.S, Russia, and other societies are compared
with respect to institutional arrangements, economic
performance, and consistency to ideology.

Controversies in Cltrl Thry

SS-510 | 3 CR This is an interdisciplinary seminar
that explores theoretical and conceptual issues of
common concern to both architecture and liberal arts.
It focuses on bodies of twentieth-century cultural and
social theory that can be said to have developed an
ideology of space, viewed both as a notion of habitat
and as a vision of urban utopianism.

Globalization: Cntmp Econ

SS-537 | 3 CR Examines the current processes and
features of global integration and division. It focuses on
the emergence over the past decade of what has been
called the “new world order.” Particular attention is paid
to the differential impact across regions and nations of
international, political, and economic institutions and
arrangements; and on work, governments, social move-
ments, and public life.

Spaces, Movements, Identities

SS-560 | 3 CR Concentrates on some of the most
important contemporary writings on space, new social
movements, identity, and the body. The readings are
drawn from sociology, geography, architecture, cultural
studies, and feminism. It uses these perspectives to
understand how the present can be conceptualized,
with particular attention to the question of power: how
it is to be thought of, questioned, desired, and resisted.

Art Worlds
SS-601 | 3 CR Students examine the social
dimension of art, architecture, and design. The course
addresses both the historical contextualization of art in
society and traces the political, economic, and cultural
forces that bear upon the organization of creative
activity. Various instances of art, monuments, and urban
design are studied for the insights they provide into the
broader dynamics of society.

Ways of Knowing: Research Method
SS-602 | 3 CR Provides the social-scientific founda-
tions for graduate thesis research projects. It takes what
we know and then links particular ways of generating
an understanding of the world to various research
methodologies available in the social sciences. It
provides students with ways in which to reflect on con-
ceptual and ethical issues in social research.

Clinical Diag/Treatment Issues
SS-630 | 3 CR The objective of this course is to
study a broad range of diagnostic categories. Emphasis
is placed on patients’ verbal and non-verbal styles of
communication and their impact on the creative arts
therapy treatment process.

Development of Personality I
SS-640 | 3 CR The perspectives of the major
developmental theorists are integrated with current
psychoanalytic and object relations theory. This
approach provides the student with an in-depth cover-
age of the first three years of life. Emphasis is placed on
the development of play, fantasy, movement, and art.
The effect of these first three years on later personality
development is also explored.

Development of Personality II
SS-650 | 3 CR The course includes the growth of
the individual as he/she passes through tasks of life.
Emphasis is placed on creativity development through-
out life stages.

Psych Intergrp Rltns/Inst Proc
SS-660 | 3 CR This course deals with the study of
how creative arts therapists can effectively com-
municate their techniques, theories, and clinical
understanding of patients to other members of the
treatment team. Special emphasis is placed on multi-
cultural issues and their impact on treatment. Ethics
and professionalism are explored.


Beyond Google
LRS-590 | 1 CR Beyond Google examines many of
the central issues in Information Literacy (the ability to
critically retrieve, use, and evaluate information). Topics
include an introduction to information literacy best
practices, research strategies, search engine limita-
tions, online and print resources, and citation styles.
Students will gain an understanding of copyright, fair
use, plagiarism, and information ethics. The culture and
theory of contemporary information related issues will
be covered as well.

School of Library and

Information Science

LIS/Library Information


Online Database Search/Services
LIS-605 | 3 CR An introduction to computer
searching methods in reference services is presented.
Strategies and their relationship to the structure and
content of online databases and CD-ROMs and the
evaluation of search results are included. Emphasis is
on laboratory experience with a wide range of data-
bases as provided by vendors.

Digital Info Economics & Management
LIS-607 | 3 CR This course covers topics related to
digital information management. Students will gain an
understanding of macro- and micro-economic issues
involved in the production, distribution, and use of
information, information products, and services. Histori-
cal evolution of information media and ethical as well
as policy issues involved in information availability and
consumption will also be examined.

Human-Information Behavior
LIS-608 | 3 CR This course examines the concepts
of information, information needs, and the process of
seeking information. Models of information behavior
and major theories, paradigms, and perspectives related
to information seeking are addressed. Characteristics of
information seeking behavior are explored as they relate
to individuals and groups in various social roles, demo-
graphic areas, and occupations as well as issues related
to user-centered service and system design.
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