Interior Design Faculty

(singke) #1

276 courses

Professional Writing

LIS-609 | 3 CR Students select and investigate
focused aspects of a broad array of issues and topics in
librarianship and information policy and practice. The
purpose is to improve both written and oral presenta-
tion skills, and to obtain mastery of the issues in the
field. Presentations are developed individually and
in team exercises. Classes are devoted to discussion
and critiques of the presentation and content of each
student’s work by students and the instructor.

Information Policy

LIS-611 | 3 CR The course will be concerned pri-
marily with access to and dissemination of information.
Students will discuss the range and scope of informa-
tion policies as they affect society today, among them
freedom of information, intellectual property, privacy,
and government information. Students will be shown
how tensions between conflicting laws and policies are
resolved on a legal and pragmatic level and will rely on
both primary and secondary source materials, including
statutes, case law, law reviews, scholarly journal articles,
books, and popular press.

Government Information Sources

LIS-613 | 3 CR Publications of federal and certain
state and local governments and theirselection,
acquisition, use and administration are discussed. Prac-
ticalexercises in printed tools and electronic databases
are required.Prerequisites: take LIS-651 LIS-652.

Health Science: Services/Sources

LIS-614 | 3 CR A methodical study of the organiza-
tion, development and use of printed andweb-based
reference sources in the health sciences. Emphasis is
on referencedepartment activities and communication
between librarian/informationspecialist and scientist.
Prerequisites: take LIS-652.

Business/Econ/Statistic Source

LIS-616 | 3 CR This course is a survey and evalu-
ation of information sources for business,finance and
economics. Sources in advertising and marketing,
finance andinvestment, money and banking are
analyzed. Special attention is given toservice problems.
Prerequisites: take LIS-652.

Legal Research Methods/Law Literature

LIS-617 | 3 CR This course is an analysis of the
systematic approach used in the legalprofession
and law libraries to find the law through the use of
printedmaterials and electronic information sources.
An introduction to the legalprocess and the basic
principles of American law are included.Prerequisites:
take LIS-652.

The Art World: Services/Source
LIS-618 | 3 CR The course will provide students with
an in-depth understanding of theresources needed by
dealers, appraisers, gallery owners, curators andschol-
ars in the establishment of information relating to the
artist, and tothe provenance, style and valuation of fine
and decorative art. Studentswill be exposed to all the
major current and historical resources, bothelectronic
and print in this specialized area of Art Librarianship.
Prerequisites: take LIS-652.

International Information Sources
LIS-619 | 3 CR This course will emphasize the
place and importance of internationaldocuments to
the global economy and to international collabora-
tive research.Students will be instructed on access
to and bibliographic control ofmaterials in print, and
to electronic formats produced by internationalnon-
governmental organizations and foreign governments,
a few examples beingthe United National system, the
European Union, the World Bank, World TradeOrganiza-
tion, and British parliamentary documents.

Online Databases Social Sciences/
LIS-623 | 3 CR An in-depth examination of selected
online and Web-based databases in thesocial sciences
and humanities. Topics include database scope, content
andstructure; the uses of databases made by informa-
tion professionals;information-seeking behavior;
research methodology; and scholarlycommunication.
Students explore and use electronic sources in the
socialsciences and humanities, learning their applica-
tion to research in meetinguser-information needs.
Prerequisites: take LIS-652.

Online Databases Health Sciences
LIS-624 | 3 CR A study of the development and use
of computerized databases in healthsciences libraries.
Emphasis is on patron interview techniques, search-
strategy formulation, processing and evaluation. Online
interaction betweensearcher, scientist and database
is discussed, and the cost analysis ofvarious databases
and their value to the health science library is covered.
Information resources on the Internet and World Wide
Web are also emphasizedas well as Web-based infor-
mation delivery techniques. Prerequisites: takeLIS-652.

Management of Archives/Special
LIS-625 | 3 CR An examination of the nature of
archives and the principles underlying theirmanage-
ment. The acquisition and processing of archival
material; appraisalprinciples and techniques; conserva-
tion of textual and non-textual materials,including
control of the physical environment; use of archival
materials; andadministration of archival repositories are
studied in depth. Prerequisites:take LIS-653.

Online Databases: Law
LIS-626 | 3 CR An in-depth examination of selected
databases and vendors in the field oflaw. Emphasis is
on scope, content, and structure of LEXIS and WESTLAW.
Legal data available in other online services such as
as well as databases which contain specializedinforma-
tion such as taxes, securities, etc. Prerequisites: take

Online Databases: Business
LIS-627 | 3 CR Familiarizes students with specific
databases, the techniques used to searchthem and
their application in a business library. Focus is on
bibliographic,full-text, statistical and directory data-
bases (both domestic andinternational in scope), which
are common to all business libraries. Theultimate goal
of the course is to foster the ability to search efficiently-
and accurately with an awareness of the special needs
of the businessenvironment. Prerequisites: take LIS-652.

Museums & Library Research
LIS-629 | 3 CR Working with the Watson Library and
other units of the Metropolitan Museum ofArt, students
learn how works of art communicate meaning, ideas,
andinformation from a research and cross-cultural
perspective. Literature,exhibitions, digital collections,
databases in the arts, programs and events,films and
other media are examined from the point-of-view of
access,organization, and management of museum col-
lections. Prerequisites: takeLIS-652.

Research Methods
LIS-630 | 3 CR An introduction to methods, both
quantitative and qualitative, for conducting basic or
applied research in information and library science.
Topics include research and scientific methods; infor-
mation theory, principles, and laws; research formats,
procedures, and processes; subject literature research;
statistical methods; infometric and bibliometric
methods; questionnaire design; data modeling and rep-
resentation; and research (grant) proposal and report
writing and presentation.

Academic Libraries and Scholarly
LIS-631 | 3 CR This course will provide a survey
of scholarly communication past and present with
a particular emphasis on the changes in scholarly
communication in the past ten years. Students will
examine the interaction between society, technology,
and scholarly communication, the theory and practice
of the communication of knowledge in academic and
research environments, and how these trend develop-
ments of publishing and communication are affecting
changes in scholarly communications.
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