Interior Design Faculty

(singke) #1

284 graduate admissions

English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL)

or IELTS and should have test results sent

to Pratt Institute, Graduate Admissions,

200 Willoughby Ave., Brooklyn, NY

11205, USA. Check for

information on testing sites.

In addition to the TOEFL or IELTS,

all international students whose first

language is not English are required

to take an English examination before

they register for classes. Students who

do not pass will be required to complete

Intensive English at Pratt. Students

who are otherwise acceptable but have

low English scores on the TOEFL may

be accepted provisionally and may be

required to take only English classes until

they achieve the TOEFL score required

by their department, at which time they

may enroll in their degree courses. These

students will receive an I-20 for English

only. Students who are accepted with a

possibility of needing English language

study indicated on their I-20 and their

acceptance letter will be tested for English

when they arrive at Pratt. Students who

need to take English will take it with their

academic program.

In calculating their expenses, students

should budget the tuition equivalent of

two credits per semester for Intensive

English courses. TOEFL requirements:

Most departments require a TOEFL

score of 550 (paper)/213 (computer)/ 79

(Internet), although some require 600

(paper)/250 (computer)/100 (Internet).

Department Requirements

Graduate programs have different

professional requirements. See the

following section for particular programs’


School of Architecture

Applicants to the Master of

Architecture (first-professional)

program (fall entrance only) must have

received a bachelor’s degree from an

institution in the U.S. that is accredited

by a recognized regional association or

have been awarded the equivalent of the

bachelor’s degree from an international

institution of acceptable standards.

Applicants must present a portfolio

providing evidence of their interest in

architecture or their visual sensibility

through the media of their choice—

photography, drawing, essays, videos, etc.
Portfolios must be submitted online at The GRE is

required. The GRE code is R2669.

Applicants for admission to the

Post-professional Master of

Science in Architecture or the

Post-professional Master of

Science in Architecture and

Urban Design programs (summer

entrance only) must have received a

Bachelor of Architecture (five-year

program) from an accredited school of

architecture. These programs are three-

semesters, beginning in summer and

ending in spring. Applicants must have

earned a Bachelor of Architecture (five-

year B. Arch.) from an accredited school

of architecture. Applicants should submit

all materials as early as possible in order to

ensure enough time to review and make

decisions and in the case of international

students to get the I-20. Ideally, applicants

(particularly international applicants)

should submit all materials, including

their portfolio, by December 1. Applicants

will be accepted after the deadline of

January 5 only if there is room. Portfolios

should be submitted at https://pratt.

Post-professional applicants for both

the M.S. in Architecture and the

M.S. in Architecture and Urban

Design must present a portfolio (online

at https:/ providing

evidence of qualifications to participate

in advanced studies. In exceptional

circumstances, licensed architects with

extensive professional work experience

but without the five-year professional

degree may ask for special consideration

and review of their portfolio to establish

proficiency for admission. Portfolios

should be submitted at https://pratt.

Applicants for admission to the

Master of Science in Historic

Preservation (fall and spring

entrance) must have a bachelor’s

degree from an accredited institution.

Applications will be accepted after the

deadline until the program is full. TOEFL

of 600 (250 computer or 100 Internet) is

required for international students.

Applicants for admission to the

Master of Science in City and

Regional Planning (fall and spring

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