Interior Design Faculty

(singke) #1

graduate admissions 287

In addition to the portfolio, the written

statement of purpose is given significant

consideration. The intent of this portfolio

review is for you to demonstrate creative

potential and the potential to successfully

complete the master’s degree program in

Communications or Package Design.

  1. Submit online at

  1. For international applicants

whose first language is not English,

a minimum TOEFL score

of 575 (paper)/233 (computer)/

90 (Internet) is required.

Applicants for admission to the Master

of Professional Studies in

Art Therapy and Creativity

Development (fall and spring

entrance) program must present a

bachelor’s degree, preferably in studio

art or psychology. Applicants must

have 18 undergraduate credits in studio

art, to include coursework in drawing,

painting, and 3-D media to include

ceramic/clay work, and 12 credits in

psychology, to include coursework in

general, personality, abnormal, and

developmental psychology. A portfolio

of 12–15 slides or digital images is

required of all applicants. Applicants

may be contacted for an interview

when all credentials have been

received. A TOEFL score of 600 (250

computer or 100 Internet) is required

of all international students. No

TOEFL waivers for Art/Dance Therapy

will be issued unless student’s first

language is English.

Applicants for admission to the

Master of Science in Dance/

Movement Therapy must have a

bachelor’s degree, preferably in dance

or psychology. Prerequisites are 12

credits in psychology, to include general,

personality, abnormal, and developmental

psychology; and coursework in anatomy/

kinesiology. Students must also have

extensive experience in at least two idioms

of dance, one of which must be modern

dance. Students must have experience

in body/mind modalities, such as

meditation, yoga, and body therapy. A

written synopsis of dance training and

experience must be submitted with the

application. A personal interview will

be required, part of which will include

movement. A TOEFL score of 600 (250

computer or 100 Internet) is required of

all international students unless student’s

first language is English.

Applicants for admission to

the Master of Professional

Studies in Arts and Cultural

Management (fall entrance only).

Applicants should demonstrate

substantial experience in a related

field or activity—social community

engagement involving the arts. The

required statement of purpose should

reflect the applicant’s personal vision

of how this program fits in with his/her

personal and professional goals including

how the applicant hopes to use the skills

he/she acquires in this program. The

statement should be no more than 500

words or two pages. A TOEFL score

of 600 (250 computer or 100 Internet)

is required of international students.

Applications are accepted throughout the

semester. The GMAT is optional.

Applicants for admission to the

Master of Science in Theory,

Criticism, and History of Art,

Design, and Architecture (fall

entrance only) must demonstrate the

skill of observation and description,

analysis and criticism, and the potential to

successfully complete the coursework and

to design and present a graduate thesis of

merit. Undergraduate study in art and/or

design history is encouraged, and at least

an introduction in those fields should be

included in the completed undergraduate

curriculum. The application package

must contain a personal statement

explaining the selection of Pratt and

motivation for the degree, a writing

sample (5–10 pages) that demonstrates

analytic and communication skills, and

recently earned scores from the Graduate

Record Examination (GRE code R2669).

Applicants for whom English is not their

first language must submit the results

of the TOEFL Examination and score at

least 600 (250 computer or 100 Internet.)

Applicants for admission to the

Master of Professional Studies

in Design Management (fall

entrance only) should ideally present

an undergraduate degree in one of the

design disciplines, with a minimum of

three years’ professional experience. A

résumé is also required. Applications are

accepted until June 1. A TOEFL score

of 600 (250 computer or 100 Internet) is

required for international students. The

GMAT is optional.

Applicants for admission to the

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