Interior Design Faculty

(singke) #1

298 financial aid

planning scholarship

A scholarship fund established for

students in the graduate program in City

and Regional Planning.

pratt planning alumni


A fund established by Pratt Planning

Alumni for students in the Graduate

Planning Program in the School of


frank o. price scholarship

A fund established by friends of Professor

Price, longtime teacher of architecture,

awarded to a worthy student.

edward re jr. scholarship

A scholarship established by Professor

Edward D. Re Jr. to aid students

studying Architecture and Construction


lee and norman rosenfeld award

To provide monetary awards to profession-

ally motivated, academically qualified,

and/or deserving undergraduate students

in the School of Architecture who have

completed one year of study. Preference

will be given to students who are honest

and honorable, as established by academic

leadership and character, who will use

the funds to perpetuate their educational,

creative, and professional goals.

clyde lincoln rounseville

scholarship fund

Awarded to deserving students in the

School of Architecture.

vincent a. stabile endowed


A scholarship fund established by Vincent

A. Stabile, class of 1940, for students in

the School of Architecture.

gihei & sato takeuchi memorial

endowed scholarship fund

A scholarship established by John M.

Takeuchi to honor his parents. It is

awarded to a full-time student in his or

her second year studying Architecture

who shows promise through academic


lucinda veikos endowed


A fund established by William and

Elizabeth Pedersen in memory of

Lucinda Veikos, class of 1992, for a

deserving student in the School of


veikos travel scholarship for

architectural study and travel

A scholarship established by Kohn

Pederson Fox Associates in memory of

Lucinda Veikos, class of 1992, for travel

abroad for a deserving student in the

School of Architecture.

School of Art and Design

don ariev memorial term award

A term award for Pratt graduate students

enrolled in their second year in Graduate

Communications Design, in memory of

Pratt Professor Don Ariev, class of 1960.

Award will be based strictly on merit.

ralph appelbaum endowed

scholarship fund

A fund established by Ralph Appelbaum,

awarded to Industrial Design students on

the basis of need and merit.

art students’ association


A fund raised by the Art Students’

Association over a period of years,

awarded by competition.

mary pratt barringer

scholarship fund

A scholarship established by Mary Pratt

Barringer, awarded annually to five

Delaware College of Art and Design

students coming to Pratt, selected by a

joint committee of representatives from

both schools.

the reggie behl drawing award

The Reggie Behl Drawing Award will

provide a financial award annually to a

student in his or her junior year in the

School of Art and Design who exhibits

excellence in drawing.

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