Interior Design Faculty

(singke) #1


Dr. Thomas F. Schutte


Peter L. Barna


Marianthi Zikopoulos

AssociAte Provost

Judith Aaron

vice President for enrollment

Helen Matusow-Ayres

vice President for student AffAirs

Joseph M. Hemway

vice President for informAtion technology

And cio

Todd Michael Galitz

vice President for institutionAl


Edmund F. Rutkowski

vice President for finAnce

And AdministrAtion

Thomas Hanrahan

deAn, school of Architecture

Leighton Pierce

Acting deAn, school of Art And design

Andrew Barnes

deAn, school of liberAl Arts And sciences

Tula Giannini

deAn, school of informAtion And
librAry science

Russell Abell

Acting director of librAries

Sylvia Acuesta


Dave Adebanjo

director of Athletics And recreAtion

Sinclaire Alkire

director of AcAdemic mArketing

Christopher Arabadjis

director of multi-mediA services

Nicholas Battis

director of exhibitions

Stephen Brennan

director of mAintenAnce And oPerAtions

Vladimir Briller

executive director of strAtegic PlAnning
And institutionAl reseArch

L. Jane Bush

director of internAtionAl AffAirs

Martha Cedarholm

director of heAlth And counseling services

Frank Congin

director of study AbroAd And internAtionAl

Randy Donowitz

director of the Writing And tutoriAl center

Susan Ebbs

director of sPeciAl Projects/AssistAnt to
the vice President for student AffAirs

Adam Friedman

director of PrAtt center for
community develoPment

Anthony Gelber

director of AdministrAtive sustAinAbility


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