Interior Design Faculty

(singke) #1

350 administration

Glenn Gordon

executive director of PlAnning, design,

construction, And PhysicAl PlAnt

Mai McDonald-Graves

director of disAbility services

Thomas Greene

director of humAn resources

Imani Griszell

director of events

Young Hah

director of grAduAte Admissions

Katie Hush

director of sPeciAl events

Lisle Henderson


Debera Johnson

AcAdemic director of sustAinAbility

Berti Jones

director of enterPrise systems

Gale Justin

director of educAtionAl technology

Christopher Kasik

director of residentiAl life And housing

Emma Legge
director of student involvement And PArent
And fAmily ProgrAms

Ludovic Leroy
director of corPorAte relAtions

Yvette Mack

John Maier
heAd of technicAl services

Emily Mack Marshall
director of foundAtion relAtions

Ellery Matthews
director of AcAdemic comPuting

Patti McCall
heAd of Public services

Mara McGinnis
executive director of communicAtions

Emily Moqtaderi
director of mAjor gifts

Roy Muraskiewicz
bookstore mAnAger

Christopher Paisley
director of Processing And technology

Dmitriy Paskhaver
director of reseArch

Lance Redford
director of government And community

Rhonda Schaller
director of the center for cAreer And
ProfessionAl develoPment

Richard Scherr
director of fA cilities PlAnning
And design

William J. Schmitz
director of sAfety And security

Michael Sclafani
director of Alumni relAtions
And AnnuAl giving

Nancy Seidler
director of intensive english

Lorraine Smith
curAtor, visuAl resource center

Richard Soto
director of budget

William Swan
director of undergrAduAte Admissions

Vicki Weiner
director of PlAnning

Warren White
director of heoP

Bryan Wizemann
director of the Web grouP
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