Interior Design Faculty

(singke) #1



Absence, leaves of, 319–320
Academic calendar, 351–356
Academic facilities fees, 309
Academic integrity code, 327–328
Academic organizations, 333–334
Academic progress, 294–295
Academic standing, 325
Creative Arts Therapy degrees, 102
Pratt Institute, 17
School of Architecture, 21
School of Information and Library
Science, 172
Activities fees, 308
Activities Resource Center (ARC), 337
Administration, 349–350
Admission requirements, 281–290
Art and Design Education, 79
Creative Arts Therapy Department,
Design Management Program, 109
Digital Arts, 113
Facilities Management, 63
Fine Arts, 126
in Media Studies, 190
School of Information and Library
Science, 180
Advanced Certificates
in Archives, 179, 227
in Art and Design Education, 79, 215
in Library and Information Studies, 227
in Library Media Specialist, 227–228
in Museum Libraries, 179
in Museum Studies, 138, 223
Advertising, 253
Advisement, School of Information and
Library Science, 180

Aesthetics, 274
African art, 260
Alumni, 11–12
living in Brooklyn, 9
American art, 261
American Art Therapy Association, Inc.,
17, 102
American Dance Therapy Association,
17, 102
American Library Association,
Committee on Accreditation of,
17, 172
Anatomy, 257, 270
Animation, digital, 113, 249, 250
curriculum descriptions, 217
Applications, deadline for, 282
Architecture, 2, 25–36
course descriptions, 229–235
curriculum descriptions, 211–213
faculty, 30–36
Graduate Architecture and Urban
Design programs, 23
in Rome, 15
in Turkey, 14
Architecture, School of, 19–21
accreditation of, 17
admission requirements of, 284–285
Architecture, 25–36
City and Regional Planning, Master of
Science program, 51–55
course descriptions, 229–243
curriculum descriptions, 211–213
Facilities Management, 63–68
Graduate Architecture and Urban
Design programs, 23
Historic Preservation, 69–73
mission of, 21
Programs for Sustainable Planning
and Development, 47–49
programs in, 209
restricted grants and scholarships at,

Study Abroad programs of, 14–16
Urban Design, 37–45
Urban Environmental Systems
Management Program, 57–61
Architecture fees, 309
Archives, Advanced Certificate in, 179,
Art criticism and analysis, 258
Art and design, 244
Art and Design, School of, 75–169
accreditation of, 17
admission requirements of, 285–288
Art and Design Education, 77–81
Arts and Cultural Management, 83–85
Communications/Packaging Design,
course descriptions, 243–275
Creative Arts Therapy, 101–106
curriculum descriptions, 214–224
Design Management, 107–110
Digital Arts, 111–122
Fine Arts, 123–135
History of Art and Design, 137–143
Industrial Design, 145–155
Interior Design, 157–169
mission of, 76
programs in, 209
restricted grants and scholarships at,
Art and Design Education, 77–81, 126
course descriptions, 244–245
curriculum descriptions, 214–215
faculty, 80–81
Art librarianship, 276, 277
Arts and Cultural Management, 83–85
course descriptions, 243–244
curriculum descriptions, 215
faculty, 85
Art Therapy and Creativity Development,
Master of Professional Studies
degree in, 101, 102

Art Therapy with Special Education,
Master of Professional Studies
degree in, 101, 219–220
Asian art, 260
Assistantships and fellowships, 292
Athletics and recreation, 337
Attendance policy, 317


Bachelor of Architecture program,
accreditation of, 17, 21
Bachelor of Fine Arts (B.F.A.) degrees, in
Interior Design, accreditation of, 17
Banking facilities, 311
Berlin (Germany), 232
Billing, 311
Bloomsbury Conference, 14
Board of Trustees, 347–348
artist’s books, 248, 270, 273
art of, 271
cost of, 307
campus in, 1, 3
cultural institutions of, 12
Brooklyn Academy of Music (BAM), 12
Brooklyn Botanic Garden, 12
Brooklyn campus
directions to, 357–358
Library, 343–344
map of, 359
Brooklyn Law School, 47, 49, 51, 53, 66,
Brooklyn Museum of Art, 12
Building codes and zoning, 233


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