Interior Design Faculty

(singke) #1

index 365

Master’s degrees
Architecture, 19, 21, 26, 211–213
Art Therapy, 17
Industrial Design, 145–155
Mathematics and Science, Department
of, 193
faculty, 202–203
Matisse, Henri, 260
Meal plans, 336–337
refund schedule, 353, 355
Media Studies, Graduate Program in,
curriculum descriptions, 228
faculty, 191–192
see also Humanities and Media
Medical librarianship, 278
Medieval art, 261, 262
Mentoring, in School of Information and
Library Science, 180
Michelangelo, 262
Milan (Italy), 15
Miscellaneous fees, 309
Moldmaking, 271
Motion arts, 113
Motion design, 254
Motion graphics, 250
Multimedia Center, 11
Multi-Media Services Department, 343
Museology, 261
Museum of Arts and Design, 12
Museum of Modern Art, 12
Advanced Certificate in Museum
Libraries, 179
Advanced Certificate in Museum
Studies, 223
Certificate in Museum Studies, 138
library resources for, 278
Museum Studies, Certificate in, 138
My.pratt accounts, 314


National Architectural Accrediting Board
(NAAB), 17, 21
National Association of Schools of Art
and Design, 17
Native American art, 261
Native Americans, financial aid programs
for, 296
Network for Emerging Architectural
Research (NEAR), 23
New Hampshire, 103

New students
initial registration for, 314
orientation for, 332, 352
New York City
architectural resources of, 23
architecture of, 232, 235
cultural institutions of, 12, 171
housing architecture of, 232
Pratt Institute’s campus in, 3
New York Industrial Retention Network
(NYIRN), 49
New York State
Library Media Specialist program and
teacher certification in, 176,
179–180, 227–228
Pratt Institute accreditation by, 17
teacher certification for, 79
Non-matriculated students, 290


Online databases, 275, 276
Orientation, for new students, 332, 352
Out-of-state financial aid programs, 295


Package Design
course descriptions in, 251–255
Master of Science degrees in, 87, 216
Painting, 126, 258, 260–262, 270
in Venice, 260
Parent and family programs, 332
Parent module, 320
Paris (France), 15
Part-time student status, 317
Personal data changes, 320
Philosophy, 274
Photography, 126
collections, 279
course descriptions, 259, 269
digital, 258
women in, 261
Photoshop (software), 248
Picaaso, Pablo, 260
course descriptions, 237–241
and Law, Joint Degree Program in,
51, 53
Planning Accreditation Board, 21
Plastics, 270

e-portfolios, in SILS, 174–175
portfolio development, 251
portfolio/work experience credit, 317
Post-baccalaureate Certificate in Art and
Design Education, 126
Pratt, Charles, 7
Pratt Design Incubator for Sustainable
Innovation, 17
Pratt Institute
accreditation of, 17
administration, 349–350
assistantships and fellowships from,
Board of Trustees, 347–348
campus of, 3
directions to, 357–358
history of, 1, 4, 7
library, 11
mission of, 9
partnerships with cultural institutions,
restricted awards and scholarships
from, 292
withdrawals from, 319
Pratt Institute Internship Program,
Pratt’s Center for Community
Development (formerly PICCED), 7,
20, 48–49
Pre-Columbian art, 261
Printmaking, 126, 258, 270
Professional organizations, 333–334
Program Board, 334
Program changes, 318
Programs for Sustainable Planning and
Development (PSPD), 47–49
Project for Public Spaces (PPS), 49
Prototypes, 264
Psychology, 275
Publishing, 253


Readmission, 289, 320
Real estate, 236, 238
Recreation, 337
for course withdrawals, 310, 353, 356
on students’ credit balances, 310
Registration, 312
dates for, 352, 354, 356
Registration and academic policies,
Religious and spiritual organizations, 334
Rembrandt, 261

Renaissance art, 260, 261
Repeated courses, 324
Residential life and housing, 334–336
Restricted grants and scholarships,
Returned check fees, 310, 311
Robotics, 249
Roman art, 261
Rome (Italy)
architecture in, 14–15
Fine Arts in, 126


SACI School of Art, 14
Saturday Art School, 77–79
Scholarships, 291–306
federal programs, 293–294
instructions and schedule for, 306
International Student Scholarships,
merit-based, 282
out-of-state programs, 295
restricted, 297–305
in School of Information and Library
Science, 180
School of Architecture, see Architecture,
School of
School of Art and Design, see Art and
Design, School of
School of Information and Library
Science, see Information and
Library Science, School of
School of Liberal Arts and Sciences, see
Liberal Arts and Sciences, School of
Sciences, 193, 195, 274
faculty, 202–203
Sculpture, 126, 258, 270
Social planning, 238
Social sciences, 275
online databases in, 276
Social Sciences and Cultural Studies,
Department of, 194, 275
course descriptions, 275
faculty, 203–205
Spanish (language), 274–275
Special education, Art Therapy with
Special Education, Master
of Professional Studies degree in,
101, 219–220
Special interest organizations, 333
Special students, 290
Spring/Summer Intensive Program, in
Creative Arts Therapy, 103
Statistical methods, 237
Student affairs, 331–342
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