Interior Design Faculty

(singke) #1

366 index

Student Government Association (SGA),
Student Involvement, Department of, 332
Student media, 333
Student organizations, 333–334
Students, 9
full-time and part-time status of, 317
Interior Design program, 157
special, 290
Student teaching, 244–245, 279
Student work, 21
Study Abroad programs, 14–16
Summer certificate programs (SCP), 187
Sustainability, 16–17
planning, 239, 240
Programs for Sustainable Planning
and Development, 47–49
science of, 274
sustainable communities, 233
Sustainable Pratt, 49


Art and Design Education, 244–245
in film and fiction, 246
New York State certification for, 179
student teaching, 279
see also Education
Technics, 270–271
Technology fees, 308
Test of English as a Foreign Language
(TOEFL), 79, 113, 126, 187, 194,
Theory, Criticism, and History of Art,
Design, and Architecture, combined
degrees in, 178
Thesis enrollment, 326
Thesis In Progress fees, 309
3-D Animation and Motion Arts, 217
Toy design, 264
Transcripts, 320–321
request fees for, 310
Transfer credits, 289–290, 316
Transportation, 264
planning, 239
Trustees, Board of, 347–348
Tuition and fees, 307–312
deposit, 289
meal plans, 336–337
room rates, 336
Tuition Management Systems, 308
Turkey, architecture in, 14
Tuscany (Italy), 15
Typography, 252, 253


Undergraduate programs, 209
University College London, 14
Urban Design, 23, 37–45, 242
course descriptions, 242
curriculum descriptions, 212
faculty, 43–45
Urban Environmental Systems
Management program, 57–61
course descriptions, 235, 243
curriculum descriptions, 212
faculty, 60–61
in Programs for Sustainable Planning
and Development, 47, 48


Venice (Italy)
art history of, 260–262
Pratt in, 15–16, 138
Veterans assistance, 296, 315–316
Video editing, 249, 250
Visual communications, 252


Web design, 248, 249
Welding, 271
Western art, 262
after deposit, 290
from courses, 318–319
from courses, refunds for, 310, 353, 356
from Pratt Institute, 319
art by, 260
in international cinema, 272
in photography, 261
at Pratt, history of, 7
Woodworking, 270
Work experience credit, 317
World Information, Society and
Environments (WISE) program, 175
for art and design, 274
professional, 276
Writing Program, faculty, 205–208
Writing and Tutorial Center, 195, 208
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