Techniques and Principles in Language Teaching 3rd edition (Teaching Techniques in English as a Second Language)

(Nora) #1


A Check your understanding of Content-based Instruction.

1   In  your    own words   describe    the difference  between the approach    to  teaching
communication taken in the previous chapter and this one.
2 Why do you think that CBI has been called a method with many faces (Snow
3 What type(s) of preparation might be useful for a teacher who will teach content
along with language?

B Apply what you have understood about Content-based Instruction.

1   Even    if  you do  not teach   in  a   program that    regularly   uses    CBI,    try incorporating
the teaching of content into your language class. Teach a poem or adopt a theme
of interest to your students, for instance. See what you learn from that experience.
2 How are process writing and journal keeping consistent with the Whole Language
Approach? Can you think of any other writing techniques which are?
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