Techniques and Principles in Language Teaching 3rd edition (Teaching Techniques in English as a Second Language)

(Nora) #1


A Check your understanding of how technology can be used in

language teaching.

1   What    is  the difference  between the use of  technology  to  provide resources   for
teaching and the use of technology to provide enhanced language learning
experiences? What are some examples of each?
2 How can technology be used to construct authentic social relationships, both
virtual and face-to-face?

B Apply what you understand about using technology for language


1   If  you cannot  set up  your    classroom   in  the same    manner  as  the one described   in  the
Experience, how could you combine face-to-face discussions with time students
spend on a computer elsewhere such as in an Internet café?
2 What is your position on the emergent nature of language in a technology-driven
classroom? Should all usages be accepted?
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