Techniques and Principles in Language Teaching 3rd edition (Teaching Techniques in English as a Second Language)

(Nora) #1




Now that we have considered the methods individually, it will be useful to view them
collectively. The table on pages 222–3 has been compiled to summarize each
method/approach/methodological innovation with regard to which aspects of
language/culture are focused upon, how the method seeks to promote language
learning, and the associated language teaching practices. What is in the table is
selective, highlighting only major features of each method or approach.

While this table provides a useful summary of the methods/approaches concerning
the global categories of language/culture, learning, and teaching, there are three
limitations to presenting information in this form. One is that this table fails to capture
the dynamics of methodological change. Second, it obscures the similarities that exist
among the methods. Third, there are certain areas of difference that are not revealed
by treating the categories globally. Each of these three areas will be discussed in turn.

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