Techniques and Principles in Language Teaching 3rd edition (Teaching Techniques in English as a Second Language)

(Nora) #1

References/Additional Resources

Allwright, D. 1984. ‘The importance of interaction in classroom language learning.’
Applied Linguistics 5/2: 156–71.

____ and J. Hanks. 2009. The Developing Language Learner. Basingstoke: Palgrave

Bolster, A. 1983. ‘Toward a more effective model of research on teaching.’ Harvard
Educational Review 53/3: 294–308.

Clarke, M. 1994. ‘The dysfunctions of the theory/practice discourse.’ TESOL
Quarterly 28/1: 9–26.

____. 2003. A Place to Stand: Essays for Educators in Troubled Times. Ann Arbor,
MI: University of Michigan Press.

____. 2007. Common Ground, Contested Territory. Examining the Roles of English
Language Teachers in Troubled Times. Ann Arbor, MI: University of Michigan

Cook, G. 2010. Translation in Language Teaching – An Argument for Reassessment.
Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Edge, J. 1996. ‘Cross-cultural paradoxes in a profession of values.’ TESOL Quarterly
30/1: 9–30.

Ellis, G. 1996. ‘How culturally appropriate is the communicative approach?’ English
Language Teaching Journal 50/3: 213–18.

Fanselow, J. 1987. Breaking Rules: Generating and Exploring Alternatives in
Language Teaching. New York: Longman.

Freeman, D. 1991. ‘Mistaken constructs: Re-examining the nature and assumptions
of language teacher education’ in J. Alatis (ed.). Georgetown University Round
Table on Languages and Linguistics 1991: Linguistics and Language Pedagogy.
Washington, DC: Georgetown University Press.

____ and J. Richards. 1993. ‘Conceptions of teaching and the education of second
language teachers.’ TESOL Quarterly 27/2: 193–216.

Garcia, O. and J. Kleifgen. 2010. Educating Emergent Bilinguals. New York:
Teachers College Press.

Holliday, A. 1994. Appropriate Methodology and Social Context. New York:
Cambridge University Press.

Gomes de Matos, F. 2006. ‘Language, peace and conflict resolution’ in M. Deutsch,
P. Coleman, and E. Marcus (eds.). The Handbook of Conflict Resolution (2nd edn.),
158–75. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.

Kramsch, C. 1993. Context and Culture in Language Teaching. Oxford: Oxford

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