Techniques and Principles in Language Teaching 3rd edition (Teaching Techniques in English as a Second Language)

(Nora) #1
Direct  Method  33
Grammar-Translation method 18

literacies (concept of) 168

literature, foreign:

importance  of  13, 17, 19
using passages for teaching 13–14, 20–1

Littlewood, W. 122

Long, M. xii, xiii, 150, 151, 153, 157, 191

Lortie, D. ix, xi

Loschky, L. 150, 159

Lozanov. G. 71

Luke, A. 168

managers of learning, teachers as 230–1

maps, lesson using 25–8

Marsh, D. 133

McCarthy, M. 213

McNamara, T. 227

meaning, focus on 157, 175

meaning, negotiation of 121, 127, 207


language    61, 138,    140,    175,    176,    177,    201,    229
tasks 149, 156, 159


Audio-Lingual   method  35, 46
Grammar-Translation method 18, 19, 22

mental exercise, language learning as 13, 18, 19

metacognitive learning strategies 186

‘method’, definition of term xvi, 1

methodological change 219–21

methodological innovation 181

methods fatigue 4

methods, study of xi–xii

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