Techniques and Principles in Language Teaching 3rd edition (Teaching Techniques in English as a Second Language)

(Nora) #1

receptive phase 79

Reeder, K. 216


reflective  listening   99
student 92, 95, 99
teacher xi
relativism 228


input   flooding    150
lack of in Silent Way 61, 62, 77
necessity of in Audio-Lingual method 42

repetition drill technique 37, 47

Richards, J. x, 224, 233

Riggenbach, H. 150

right brain hemisphere, addressing 107

Rinpoche, S. 7

rods, as tool in Silent Way 54–7, 66


Communicative   Language    Teaching    118–19, 121,    127–8
Desuggestopedia 82

Rubin, J. 181

rule formation, language learning as 51

Samuda, V. 150, 151

Savignon, S. xi, 115

scaffolding 138, 139

Schleppegrell, M. 139

Schulze, M. 200n

‘second language’, non-use of term 13

Seidlhofer, B. 166

self-correction 27, 29, 32, 65, 66, 99, 177

self-evaluation 97, 175, 177

self-expression, language for 61–2

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