(Wang) #1

  • When there is a minimum on the curve of boiling temperatures in an isobaric diagram
    for a binary system, we speak about an azeotrope with aboiling point minimum.
    It exists in systems with positive deviations from Raoult’s law, and consequently it is
    calledpositive azeotrope.
    On they–xdiagram [see Figure7.8], the system with a positive azeotrope is represented
    by the thick line. For the derivative of theyi dependence onxiin the vicinity of the
    positive azeotrope we can write

0 <


< 1. (7.31)

  • In systems with negative deviations from Raoult’s law, an azeotrope with a boiling
    point maximum, or anegative azeotrope,may occur [see Figure7.7].
    For the derivative of theyidependence onxiin the vicinity of the negative azeotrope
    we write (

> 1. (7.32)

7.6.7 Effect of the non-volatile substance content on the boiling

pressure and temperature

If we add a small amount of a non-volatile substance 2 (ps 2 ≈0) to a pure liquid substance 1
at constant temperature, the initial boiling pressure, which is equal to the saturated vapour
pressureps 1 , always drops. After adding a non-volatile substance, the boiling pressurepbecomes
to a good approximation
p=x 1 ps 1. (7.33)

  • The decrease in the boiling pressure at constant temperatureis given by the
    ∆p=ps 1 −p=x 2 ps 1



m 2 M 1
M 2 m 1

ps 1 , (7.34)

wherepis th e boiling pressure of a liquid solution of compositionx 2 ;m 1 andm 2 are
the masses of the components.
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