Neuro Linguistic Programming

(Wang) #1

94 Part II: Winning Friends and Influencing People

  1. Copy the letters of your preferred statements onto the following grid.

1a K 4a A
1b A 4b V
1c V 4c K

2a V 5a A
2b A 5b K
2c K 5c V

3a V
3b K
3c A

  1. Add up how many Vs, As, and Ks you got.

  2. See how you did!

Did you get mainly V, A, or K, or was your total evenly mixed? Check your
preferences below and see whether our explanations make any sense for you:

✓ V – visual: A visual preference may mean that you’re able to see your
way clearly, keep an eye on things, and take a long-term view. You may
enjoy visual images, design, watching sport, and the symbols involved in
studying physics, maths, or chemistry. You may need to live or work in
an attractively designed environment.
✓ A – auditory: An auditory preference may mean that you’re able to
tune into new ideas, maintain harmonious relationships, and that you’re
happy to sound people out and listen to the opinions of others. You may
enjoy music, drama, writing, speaking, and literature. You may be highly
tuned into the sound levels in your environment.

✓ K – kinaesthetic: A kinaesthetic preference may mean that you’re able
to get to grips with new trends, keep a balance, and hold tight on to real-
ity. You may enjoy contact sports, athletics, climbing, and working with
materials – electronics, manufacturing, hairdressing, or construction.
You may be sensitive to the textures and feel of your environment.

Within Britain and America, researchers estimate that visual is the dominant
style for approximately 60 per cent of the population; which is hardly surpris-
ing given the daily bombardment of our visual senses.

Beware of labelling people as visuals, auditories, or kinaesthetics – a gross
generalisation. Instead, think of people as having a preference or habitual
behaviour in a particular context, rather than identities. Be mindful, too, that
no one system is better or worse than any other. (You can’t help but operate
in all the different modes, even if this happens unconsciously.) The systems
are simply different ways of taking in, processing, and outputting information,
as you experience the world around you. After all, everyone’s unique.
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