Chapter 8: Understanding to Be Understood: Meta Programs 143
leaves of the trees, the colour of the sky, the shapes of the clouds, and how
doing so makes you feel inside.
Learning lessons from negative past events can help to release their hold
on you. Chapter 13 shows you how to release negative emotions and
limiting decisions.
Combining Meta Programs
You have a combination of meta programs that you prefer to adopt when
you’re within your comfort zone. Try to remember that this preference may
change depending on the different circumstances in which you find yourself.
For instance, a project manager may combine difference, proactive, detail,
and toward preferences when at work, but choose to be more of a sameness,
reactive, global person at home.
Also, realising that certain combinations of meta programs may fit certain
professions better than others is important, as is understanding that many
more meta programs are available that may be of use to you.
Would you want the pilot of your jumbo jet to have a high options, global,
and difference meta program combination? You may well be a little nervous
of being in the hands of someone who decides to skip a couple of the flight
checks because the procedure is boring and seeing what happens if that red
light flashes may be fun!
Would you want your prescription filled by a chemist who likes to test the
result of adding a couple of extra drops of the pretty blue liquid to your
angina medicine?
These examples are meant to illustrate that jobs work best when the profiles
of people fit the parameters of their jobs. For instance, you may decide that
the best meta program fit to fill the vacant position of a quality controller is
for the person to have preferences for detail, away from, and procedures.
Developing Your Meta-Program Skills
Meta programs is one of the topics that excites the most interest in Romilla’s
workshops, probably because delegates realise the power of using the so-
called right language: that is, the words and phrases that mean the most to
the person with whom you’re communicating. Using appropriate language
allows you to build rapport and get your message heard better than someone
who’s not as skilled in the art of meta programs.