Neuro Linguistic Programming

(Wang) #1

Chapter 10

Sliding the Controls

of Your Experience

In This Chapter

▶ Finding out how you can feel good and then even better

▶ Fine-tuning input from your senses

▶ Letting go of limiting beliefs and creating empowering ones

▶ Moving from an unwanted state to a desired state

▶ Taking the sting out of a painful experience


ry this experiment: think of a really pleasant experience that you’ve had.
You don’t have to share the experience so you can let rip and really get
into it. As you think of the experience, do you get a picture, feel a feeling,
hear any sounds? Getting all three is great, and if you can only manage one
or two out of the three, that’s okay too; we work with you in this chapter to
help you experience all three. Can you now begin to intensify the experience?
Great! Now, can you ramp it up some more?

Welcome back! As you relived the experience, how did you intensify it?
Did you make the picture brighter, bigger, more colourful, or perhaps you
brought it closer to you. Maybe you turned up the volume of any sounds you
heard and if you had a feeling, you spread that feeling further through your
body. You’ve just discovered how to play with your submodalities.

Submodalities are the basic building blocks of the way you experience your
world, and therefore a very slight change in a submodality can have a sig-
nificant effect on the changing of the experience. In other words, you have
control over the way you choose to experience your world. You can choose
to change your mind to heighten a pleasurable time or to remove the nega-
tive emotions from an unpleasant one. You can also take yourself from an
undesired state, such as confused, to a better state, such as understanding.
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