Neuro Linguistic Programming

(Wang) #1

Chapter 10: Sliding the Controls of Your Experience 167

Visual Submodalities Questions to Discover Them
Location Where is it in space?
Point to the picture.
How close or how far away is it?

Colour or black and white Is it in colour or is it black and white?

Associated or dissociated Is the picture associated or dissociated?
Can you see yourself in the picture or are
you looking out of your own eyes?

Size Is the picture big or small?
What size would you say the picture
Two- or three-dimensional Is the picture in two or three dimensions?

Brightness Is the picture bright or dull?

Still or moving Is the picture still or is it a film?
If the picture is a film, how fast is it running?
Shape Is the picture square, round, or rectangular?

Framed or panoramic Does the picture have a border around it, or
is it panoramic?

Focused or fuzzy Is the picture in sharp focus or is it blurred?

Eliciting auditory submodalities

Like the pictures you make in your head, the sounds you hear have certain
qualities to them. You may not be aware of the attributes of the sounds
you hear until you focus your mind on them by thinking of the following

Auditory Submodalities Questions to Discover Them

Location Where do you hear the sound?
Is the sound inside your head or outside?
Point to where the sound is coming from.

Words or sounds Can you hear words or sounds?
If words, is it the voice of someone you know?
Volume Is the sound loud or soft?
Is the sound a whisper or clearly audible?

Tone If you hear a voice, what tone does it have?
Is it deep, rich, nasal, rasping?

Pitch Is the sound high or low pitched?
Mono or stereo Can you hear the sound on both sides or is it
one sided?
Is the sound all around you?

Constant or intermittent Is the sound continuous or intermittent?

Rhythm Does the sound have a beat or a rhythm to it?

Tempo Is the sound you hear slow or fast?
Tune Does the sound have a tune?

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