Neuro Linguistic Programming

(Wang) #1

172 Part III: Opening the Toolkit

can empower you. Beliefs can all too easily become self-fulfilling prophesies,
which start off just as a notion or a hint of an idea. Then your filters (meta
programs, values, beliefs, attitudes, memories, and decisions – which we
discuss in Chapter 5) begin aligning themselves like gates to let in only those
‘facts’ and experiences that reinforce your beliefs.

For instance, imagine that you decide that you’re a little more cuddly than
you want to be and so you start on a diet. Perhaps you stick to the diet for a
few days, but then temptation gets the better of you. At this stage you receive
a hint of the notion that ‘Maybe I’m not good at following a diet.’ Then you try
again and submit to temptation again, until eventually you come to the limit-
ing belief that ‘I can’t stick to a diet.’

  1. Think of a limiting belief you currently hold, one that you’d like
    to change.
    Perhaps you believe that you have two left feet as regards dancing or
    that you’re not a good swimmer.

  2. Think of a belief that you used to hold but which, for you, is no
    longer true.
    This belief can be something such as believing in the tooth fairy. Use the
    form in the later section ‘Submodalities Worksheet’ and note the submo-
    dalities of your old belief.

  3. Think of something that you believe to be certain.
    If you can’t think of one, try the belief that ‘the sun is going to rise

Again, using the submodalities form, note the submodalities of
this belief.

  1. Think of a belief that you’d rather have.

This belief can be the opposite of your limiting belief in step 1, but
restated in the positive: ‘I’m a good dancer.’ Perhaps you want to be
better at parking – ‘I’m good at parking’ or want to feel more confident
when speaking professionally – ‘I’m a confident professional speaker.’
With the help of the form in the later section ‘Submodalities Worksheet’,
notice the submodalities of the belief you’d rather have.

  1. Change the submodalities of your limiting belief (step 1) to those of
    the belief that for you is no longer true (step 2).

  2. Change the submodalities of the belief you’d rather have (step 4) to
    those of the belief of which you’re certain (step 3).

Notice how your negative belief has changed, if it hasn’t disappeared altogether!
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