Neuro Linguistic Programming

(Wang) #1

Chapter 10: Sliding the Controls of Your Experience 173

Creating an empowering belief

To avoid your beliefs turning into self-fulfilling prophecies, remember that
you have control over choosing which beliefs you want to retain. In the pre-
ceding section, you discover how to let go of a limiting belief. Just imagine
the usefulness of finding out how to increase your options in life by choosing
to create a whole plethora of beliefs that enable you to live your life more

  1. Think of a belief that would be really useful to have: we call it a
    desired belief.

For example, ‘I deserve to be successful.’

  1. Think of a belief that for you is absolutely true.

For example, the sun is going to rise in the morning (yes, even behind
those clouds).

  1. Using the form in the later section ‘Submodalities Worksheet’, identify
    the submodalities of this absolutely true belief.

For example, when you think of the sun rising you may see it in front of
you, about two metres away, in pale, shimmering, orange colours and
very bright. You may feel warm all over and hear birdsong.

  1. Put the desired belief into exactly the same submodalities as the abso-
    lutely true belief.

Move the picture you get when you think of your desired belief to
the same position and distance as the rising sun and give it the same
colours and brightness. Then produce the same feelings of warmth and
listen for the birdsong.

Getting rid of that backache

This process can be used for other symptoms such as headaches brought on
by too much stress, or muscles that are stiff from maintaining the same posi-
tion for too long or from overuse.

This process is great for alleviating discomfort quickly, without needing to
wait for a doctor’s appointment or resorting to medication, but if your symp-
toms persist or for peace of mind, do consult your GP.

  1. Calibrate your backache on a scale of 1 to 5.

  2. Make a picture of the backache.

  3. From the form in the later section ‘Submodalities Worksheet’, note the
    submodalities of the backache.

  4. Change each attribute of the backache, one at a time.

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