Neuro Linguistic Programming

(Wang) #1

Introduction 3

What You’re Not to Read

We’ve written this book so that you can easily understand what you want to
discover about NLP. And although after all this writing on our part we’d like
to believe that you want to hang on our every last word between these yellow
and black covers, we make identifying the ‘skippable’ material easy. This
information is the stuff that, although interesting and related to the topic at
hand, isn’t essential for you to know:

✓ Text in sidebars: The sidebars are the shaded boxes that appear here
and there. They share personal stories and observations, but aren’t
essential reading.

✓ The stuff on the copyright page: No kidding. You find nothing here of
interest unless you’re inexplicably enamoured by legal language and
reprint information!

Foolish Assumptions

In this book, we make a few assumptions about you. We assume that you’re
a normal human being who wants to be happy. You’re probably interested in
learning and ideas. You may have heard the term NLP mentioned, you may
already work with the concepts, or perhaps it’s just new and intriguing for
you. You need no prior knowledge of NLP, but this book is for you if any of
the following situations ring a bell:

✓ You’re tired or fed-up with the way some things are for you now.

✓ You’re interested in how to take your living experience to new levels of
achievement, happiness, adventure, and success.
✓ You’re curious about how you can influence others ethically and easily.

✓ You’re somebody who loves learning and growing.
✓ You’re ready to turn your dreams into reality.

How This Book Is Organised

We divide this book into seven parts, with each part broken into chapters.
The table of contents gives you more detail on each chapter, and we even
throw in a cartoon at the start of each part for your amusement.

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