Neuro Linguistic Programming

(Wang) #1

Chapter 3: Discovering Who’s Directing Your Life 51

you want to be wealthy but keep thinking ‘I don’t want to be poor’, which is
what your unconscious mind helps you create in your life.

Another conflict can occur when you want to move towards two outcomes
simultaneously and you think you can only have one or the other: for exam-
ple, you want to be thinner but also want to be able to enjoy your food.

Is an overriding value in your life stopping you from getting satisfaction in
other areas of your life? For instance, having money as your number one
value may make you incredibly rich, but it may detract from your having a
fulfilling relationship.

Make sure that you don’t spend so long fulfilling your means values that you
miss achieving your ends value!

Changing values
When you think of your values you may experience them as pictures, sounds,
or feelings. In this section, we encourage you to change the hierarchy of
your values by changing the characteristics of the image that the value cre-
ates. Say, for example, that your values for living are in the following order of

  1. Freedom

  2. Achievement

  3. Financial security

  4. Fun

  5. Family

  6. Health

However, you find yourself let down by poor health. You may decide that
having good health is more important for you than fun and decide to make a
swap in your hierarchy. You can do so by using the following technique:

  1. When you think of fun, notice the picture you make in terms of the


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Still or movie

Focused or hazy

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